Our Values | Precious Skip to main content

Our Values

We work closely with the people we support to make sure that their choices and goals are heard, respected and actioned.

Our values and guiding principles

Our guiding principles relate directly to our values. They are there to help us to deliver person-centered support to both the people we support and our team members, by making sure the things that are really important remain the focus of our work.

Treat people as equals and act with kindness and respect at all times.

Both the people supported and our team members have a right to be free of aversive treatment, punishment, unnecessary restrictions and institutional practices.

Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect.

We should strive to understand behaviours (staff and people supported) rather than being critical. This will help us to offer the right support and development to meet their needs.

Involve people in making their own life choices and decisions, including how the services and organisation is run.

People supported at Precious have a right to be involved in shaping their own support, service, and the wider organisation.

Team members should be involved in how their service and the wider organisation is run.

Families should also be involved in shaping and planning support.

Focus on understanding people, their needs and behaviours, and work to improve quality of life for everyone.

Person-centred planning should be based on the 8 domains of quality of life; personal development, self-determination, interpersonal relationships, social inclusion, rights, emotional, physical, and material well-being for everyone at Precious.

We must focus on improving people’s quality of life; understanding and getting rid of the reasons for behaviours of concern (rather than focussing on getting rid of the behaviour).

This focus on Quality of life and wellbeing applies to our teams. By seeking feedback and embracing and implementing change, we can all contribute to making Precious a better place to work.

Teach people new skills and emphasise development for all, while embracing continuous improvement as an organisation.

Organisational interventions (and those in relation to people we support) must have a good ‘contextual fit’; they need to be fit for purpose and useable/doable by the people who need to use/do them.

We must follow the current evidence base, with reference to recent research and the consensus of best practice and be willing to embrace best practice and change what we’re doing.